How to finish side-projects

kim kulling
3 min readNov 24, 2020

As a developer, there are a lot of things you can try to do. New languages, new technologies, new ideas for your famous new side-project and so on. And special creative people have a lot of ideas every day and are motivated to work on them.

And so it happens really often that some developers ( for instance: me ) are starting a lot of side-projects … which is good … but none of these projects will get finished … this is not so good.

So what is the trick to get things done? If you are searching in Google you will find a lot of books, blog posts, youtube-videos about this topic. I read most of them and not all these strategies are working for me. So here I just want to explain my personal strategy which works for me. But of course, there is no guarantee that they will work for you. So if you are still interested: continue reading. Or this is the best place to stop.

Choose your battle wisely

I love graphic-programming. The internet is full of nice ideas and algorithms you can start to play around with. And when reading those ideas it seems so simple to get them live on your machine. Unfortunately, that is not the case: implementing something will consume your time, a lot of them. The author of the blog post or the video will show you his way to get it running fast, most of the time you will not get any…



kim kulling

I am working as a System-Architect and Cyber-Security Engineer. I am the Asset-Importer-Lib Lead programmer. My Linketree